Quote Investigator: The quote is so entertaining and it fills its niche so well that it is cited repeatedly around the globe. Can you tell me where it came from and who said it? The newspaper had retracted the quote and now there was a note that said “Its origin is unclear, although many researchers agree that Plato is not the source.” I am sure I have seen this quote before. I wanted to use this quote, so I needed to know who said it however, the NYT website contained a surprise. They have bad manners, contempt for authority they show disrespect for elders and love chatter in place of exercise. Instead, the conflicts between parents and offspring are timeless : The quote shows that the problems between generations are not just a recent occurrence. Dear Quote Investigator: There is a great quote by Plato or Socrates about the misbehavior of children in antiquity that I read in the New York Times.